Nerf Gun Wall Mounts

Nerf Gun Wall Mounts

Similiar to a recent idea for a broom handle, Patrick used InstaMorph to extend wall hooks to accept the much larger frame of his nerf gun collection.

When connecting InstaMorph to other plastics, it’s always recommended that you heat up the receiving part a little so a good bond is formed between InstaMorph and the opposing surface. If InstaMorph doesn’t bond with the material you’re using (InstaMorph doesn’t bond to all plastics), some super glue or epoxy is all you need to ensure a strong fit.

The project turned out great. Here’s what Patrick had to say about it.

“I was thinking of a way to display my Nerf Blasters without having to buy things like shelving or dressers to show them off. I found wall hooks, but the hooks weren’t big enough to compensate for the size of my blasters. Then I remembered I had some InstaMorph lying around and decided to use it to extend the hooks and make it possible for the blasters to fit on the hooks. Since InstaMorph can be very strong when molded thick enough, it is able to hold the blasters with little bending and does a great job of holding them in place!”

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