Prykrete Freezer-Stein

Prykrete Freezer-Stein

Alex made an InstaMorph pykrete freezer-stein! Don’t know what pykrete is, Google it, it’s pretty cool. Speaking of cool, this will keep your drinks frosty much longer than your standard frozen mug.

The stein consists of a tall glass, a pykrete shell made from wet paper towels, and an InstaMorph jacket with a mug handle. Place the whole thing in the freezer and enjoy ice-cold drinks till the last drop.

“I used InstaMorph to make a pykrete freezer-stein! The stein consists of a tall glass, a pykrete shell made from wet paper towels, and an InstaMorph jacket with a mug handle.

I started out by making long, thin sheets of InstaMorph with a pasta machine. I fused several of these sheets together with a butane heat tool , smoothed out the seams with a rolling pin, and then wrapped the large sheet around the glass to make a cylinder. I needed the diameter of the InstaMorph shell to be larger than that of the glass, so I put the rolling pin through the middle of the cylinder and used it to progressively thin each section, thus increasing its diameter.

Once the cylinder was of the right size, I fused it to a circular piece of InstaMorph to create the base. To make the handle, I rolled an InstaMorph “rope” that was about 0.5 in. in diameter, folded it in half to double its width, and pressed it against the handle of a mug to replicate its shape. I then flattened out the parts of the rope that weren’t in the “C” of the handle and welded them to the outside of the InstaMorph Jacket.

After the InstaMorph part was finished, I lined the inside with wet sheets of paper towel and carefully inserted the glass. When the paper towel freezes, it creates an incredibly strong concrete-like insulating material that  melts much more slowly than ice. When sections of the pykrete do melt, the paper towel retains the liquid so it does not drip all over the place.

It needs to be re-frozen after each use, but it keeps the beverage of your choice cold for ages!”

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