Bike Chain Brush

Bike Chain Brush

If you have old two toothbrushes lying around, here is a great tool you can make with just a little bit of InstaMorph. We used it to degrease a bicycle chain without having to buy a $30 tool from the bike shop.

It’s really easy to make, just two pieces of InstaMorph to keep the ends and middle secure. Once it cools, it’s really held in there. With the InstaMorph placed this way, the heads still stay flexible, which is nice for getting them on and around the chain.

It made short work of our task. It’s going in the toolbox for the next time I need to clean and lube up my bike chain.

This tool works great for more than just bicycle chains though. Try it out for scrubbing or polishing any type of small objects. Would be great for cleaning bolt threads in hard to reach places for example. Position the toothbrush bristles farther apart to get around even bigger items.

This project is a great example of how InstaMorph, and a little bit of imagination, can transform everyday objects into the tools you need to get stuff done.

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