Training Handgun

Training Handgun

Chad made a training handgun to keep up his skills when on remote assignment.

I am passionate about firearms but work away from home on boats for a month at a time and have to fly to travel for my work. This makes it impossible to keep up with any form of training with real firearms while I’m gone. Professional or manufactured training handguns are very expensive and would still raise questions and hassle with airport security. With InstaMorph, I was able to make a “Training Gun” in about an hour with approximately 9oz of beads. I can use this training gun for grip consistency, sight picture, and muscle memory drills. Then when it’s time to go home, I can melt it back down into a ball, cube or sheet of plastic that TSA won’t even think twice about. Or I could just put it in a checked bag, something I would never do with a $300-$500 piece of training equipment. Thanks InstaMorph!”

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